One thing I miss about living in a somewhat rural area is u-pick farms. I have many fond memories of apple and raspberry picking at Goold's Orchard going back to at least a kindergarten field trip many years ago. Now that I live in Boston, my options are finding a vehicle and driving at least an hour away or waiting until I go home to visit my parents and picking from one of the many local u-pick locations.
Jeff and I were excited to take a trip to Goold's after hitting up
Vermont's Garlic Festival on labor day weekend. Our goal was to pick as close to 18 pounds of raspberries as we could before hopping in the car and going back to Boston.
We searched high and low, nearly picking a huge swath of bushes completely dry for at least two hours before calling it a day. Our final tally was 15 pounds - enough to add to our primary fermenter
with some sugar and yeast to make 6 gallons of raspberry wine.
As of now, it's still sitting in the secondary, bubbling away, but we're extremely excited to taste it in a year or so.
(Photo credits go to my mom.)
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